The Presbytery of Utah provides convenient links to resources and useful information for church members and the public regarding the Presbyterian church in Utah. For more information click here.
The Synod of the Rocky Mountains consist of a network of eight presbyteries in various western states. It includes the states of Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, the panhandle of Nebraska, and a small area of southeastern Idaho. For more information click here.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has more than 1.7 million members in more than 10000 congregations and worshiping communities answering Christ's call to mission and ministry throughout the United States and the world. For more information click here.
For the local food bank we take up a monthly collection of canned goods and non-perishable food. We help in the distribution of food to the needy in Sevier County and throughout Utah. For more information here are some webstes. CUFB website, Facebook, Food,, JustServe .
We pride our congregation on working well and being a pillar in our community. Many of our community churches have joined together to bring Christ into our lives. Our congregation participates in these efforts. To find out more ways we are participating to help visit the Just Serve website.
Our youth group is collecting various metal and pull tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald House in Salt Lake City. For more information on the Ronald McDonald House click here.
Postage stamps are used less nowadays with the introduction of digital communication. Since this commodity is becoming more rare one charity is collecting stamps to sell to collectors and then donates the collection price to veterans. Our congregation is doing its part to collect stamps for this charity.
During the Christmas season we look to the wondrous gift of Jesus Christ, our Savior. In that spirit we provide financial assistance to current and former church workers, as well as their families. These offerings also provide opportunities for deserving students to attend Presbyterian related colleges and schools that are ethnically diverse. Your generous gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering will shine the One True Light of Christ's love. To learn more visit the Presbyterian Missions website.
Collected on Worldwide Communion Day, the General Assembly’s adoption of Peacemaking. The Believers’ Calling, which called for an emphasis on peacemaking, paved the way for this offering, which seeks to promote the Peace of Christ across the PC (USA). Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize a large portion of this offering to sustain their local peacemaking ministries. To learn more visit the Presbyterian Missions website.
Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through the One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. Your generous gifts to this special offering help provide relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed. To learn more visit the Presbyterian Missions website.
In 2010 our congregation raised enough to provide a 3rd world family with an ark through Heifer International that helped them survive for life - not just a meal. This amount provided a llama, goat, and a heifer. Currently we are on a mission to provide yet another animal. Thus far in 2015 we have earned enough to provide many animals to various countries and communities. To learn more visit the Heifer International website.
Nothing is more thrilling then giving children gifts during the Christmas season. With the help of Samaritans Purse we are able to present a gift to a child who may not otherwise get one. As a community we join together with some of the other churches to fill a shoe box with toys and treasures for one special child. To acquire a shoe box or to help with this charity contact them through their website. Operation Christmas Child Website
For information on Richfield City click here
For information on upcoming events at Snow College South click here
For Information on Sevier Valley click here
I Love History has a great share on Sevier County here
Looking for fun things to do in Utah while here? Check out this page
Valley Community Presbyterian Church is hoping to find a Solo Part Time Pastor to join us on a yearly basis, however we are open to shorter terms of service. Please view our video made in conjunction with the Presbytery of Utah or visit the small church task-force website for more information
Matthew 25:40
1 Corinthians 13:13